Like human fetuses, mature Chow Chow puppies are also very tender. Dog owners must pay great attention to the care of Chow Chow puppies, otherwise they may easily die.

The following introduces to you "8 key points to understand when caring for a prosperous Chow".

1. Chow Chow puppies will suck milk immediately after birth. The Chow Chow puppies should be allowed to lie next to the mother dog so that they can suckle.

2. If there are many litters in one litter, the first-born Chow puppies (usually thin and weak) should be placed on the second pair of teats to suck. After repeating several times, each Chow puppy should be sucked. Lion puppies will have fixed nipples.

3. Let newborn Chow Chow puppies eat enough colostrum, because colostrum is rich in protein and vitamins, and also contains high magnesium salts, antioxidants, enzymes, and hormones. etc., it has slow diarrhea and anti-disease effects, and is beneficial to the elimination of meconium.

4. Colostrum contains a variety of antibodies (maternally derived antibodies) from the female dog, which enables the Chow Chow puppies to gain disease resistance. Therefore, the Chow Chow should be allowed to mature as soon as possible (within 0.5-1 hour). Puppies eat colostrum.

8 Key Care Points for Golden Chow Puppies
Chow Chow (Definite Introduction)

5. The prime Chow Chow puppies suddenly leave the mother's womb and come into contact with the outside world. At this time, the biggest difference is temperature and lung respiration. The body temperature of newborn Chow Chow puppies is relatively low (the body temperature is 34.5-36°C within 1-2 weeks after birth), and there is no tremor. They completely rely on external heat sources (such as the mother's body) to maintain normal body temperature. Therefore, they must be kept warm (1 About 50% of Chow puppies died during the week due to severe cold.

6. Chow puppies can open their eyes at 10-16 days of age, and their ears can open at 15-17 days of age. The body temperature of Chow Chow puppies increases to 36-39℃ from 2-6 weeks of age, and approaches the adult body temperature from 4 weeks of age. At the age of 6 weeks, the Chow Chow puppies have the function of trembling and regulating their own body temperature.

7. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of the Chow Chow puppies to prevent them from being squeezed, stepped on, spitted and hungry by the female dog. Hungry (lack of milk and no food for the Chow puppies) leads to the death of the Chow puppies.

8. Some Chow puppies will not breathe or cry out when they are just born, that is, they will appear in suspended animation. At this time, you can turn the head downward, arrange to shake the dog's body, use a suction ball to suck out the amniotic fluid in the nose and mouth of the Chow Chow, use an alcohol cotton ball to wipe the nostril mucosa and the whole body, and gently and rhythmically press the chest wall.Usually artificial breathing is used for 3-4 minutes before the Chow Chow can start to breathe on its own. At this time, put the Chow Chow puppy in 39°C warm water, wash off the dirt on the body, wipe it with a towel, and put it in the incubator.

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